What a lovely thing to wake up to in our nice warm snuggly bed! We got about 8 inches overnight and plan on getting more mixed with rain today. Unfortunately, church was cancelled and so now our lovely Christmas program that I've worked months to prepare is a complete wash. I was so proud of our choir and had some wonderful pieces for them to sing :) Oh well, thus it goes in Washington. The kids & Nate had school/work off Thursday and Friday. All the stores--even the mall shut down because of the snow last week. I ventured out yesterday only to be stuck in the car for 30 minutes to drive 1/4 mile or less. I gave up on the small errand I was planning and drove home. Everyone wanted to try to get their shopping done before the storm came and the stores closed early...again. I don't know what people are going to do that need to shop this week, as it's supposed to be snowy/rainy all week.
As long as we don't have to go anywhere I love the snow. I love having everyone home and having easy days. Nate & I have gotten a ton of projects done. Hurrah!
sad about the Christmas program! will you get to perform it next week? I definitely think you should!